minne ponsen
Birth 'of 24 mice'
1.88 M x 1.50 M
pencil, pastels and print

Minne's "Birth of 24 Mice" is a large collage that invites viewers to ponder. Why do we often view a creature that lives so closely with us as a pest? By bringing this symbiotic and often-overlooked relationship between mice and men to the forefront, Minne challenges us to rethink our perceptions of these tiny, resilient animals.

The collage features a central digital print surrounded by hand-drawn images of hands holding mice, both adults and newborns. Minne was inspired by a Google search where she noticed that images of mice frequently include human hands, leading her to use this as the foundation for her work.

Beyond depicting the symbiotic relationship between humans and mice—creatures that are always near us—this artwork also ties into a personal memory for Minne: the first time she witnessed birth, when 24 mice came into the world.